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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

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Child Village: Ethiopia
Child ID: CJ031

Feyise and her brother were orphaned in 2008 and placed in the care of an impoverished aunt. Their nutrition and health suffered, and after social welfare verified that the children were indeed orphans, they reached out to Rafiki and told them of the two siblings in desperate need. Feyise and her brother arrived at the Rafiki Village Ethiopia in 2011. There is now a great hope for their future! As a child, Feyise said, "God is changing me as I read the Bible. The verse that has made the biggest difference is where Jesus calls us to be peacemakers. I am trying to be a peacemaker at school. I ask God to help me be a good student. I am also praying that I will be successful in my studies. I am praying that all my family will follow Jesus and every member will become Christian." Feyise enjoys seeing God’s hand in each of her school subjects, and she hopes to be a cartographer once she graduates. Through the Rafiki Bible Study, she has learned the importance of holiness, and she prays that she will live a life that honors God.

DOB: Dec 12, 2006