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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB049
Derrick was referred to Rafiki by a local children's ministry. Before arriving, he was in the care of an elderly grandmother and social services recommended that Derrick and an older brother, Samuel, be removed from her care. Derrick and Samuel arrived at the Rafiki Village Uganda in 2006. Derrick enjoys math, physics, and biology. When he studied physics, he was impressed by the centripetal and centrifugal forces that direct objects into a circular motion. He concluded that God's almighty power is demonstrated by His creation of the planetary system's orbit around the sun and how they never stray from their path. Derrick plays the clarinet and has had many opportunities to play for others within and beyond the Rafiki Village. He also draws and paints very well. Derrick seeks to be an example to younger children at the Village, and he is committed to living a life worthy of Christ.
DOB: Jul 24, 2001