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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Liberia
Child ID: CG031
Blessing's mother died in childbirth in May, 2006. Her father then died on April 13, 2010. After her father's death, Blessing was cared for by an aged maternal aunt who struggled to provide for her. She contacted the Rafiki Foundation for help. Blessing arrived at the Rafiki Village Liberia in 2010. She soon bonded well with her Rafiki Mother and siblings. Blessing enjoys social studies class because she likes to learn about other countries as well as her own country of Liberia. Blessing wants to be either a teacher or a missionary, or both! She believes that education is important, and she strives to do well in school. Her favorite Bible verse is John 11:35 because wept for the friend that He loved, and He also loves her.  
DOB: May 24, 2006