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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Kenya
Child ID: CD048
Benson Michael was found at the prison grounds by a woman who took him to the police station on August 28, 2005. The police took him to the hospital on the same day. Social Services recommended him to the Rafiki Village Kenya, and he arrived in September 2005. Soon after his arrival, he was taken to church and introduced to the congregation. They all enjoyed meeting the newest addition to the Rafiki family. Benson enjoys learning about math and science. Despite the many activities and experiments, he still finds them exciting. He uses his time constructively and is eager to learn new things. He has learned from the Rafiki Bible Study that he is a child of light and not of darkness. He continues to grow in character, being truthful, forgiving, and cheerfully obedient. 
DOB: Aug 27, 2005