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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Zambia
Child ID: CF006
Ben’s mother died in November 2006, and his father sometime before that. He lived with his grandparents for a short period of time, but they could not care for him. In 2007, social services recommended 3-year-old Ben be placed at the Rafiki Village Zambia, and he arrived at the Village that year. Ben is a good student, and his favorite subject is English. He also enjoys reading in his free time, and he was encouraged after reading Johnathan Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" to press on in his faith. Ben believes Jesus is his Savior. He knows God has given him a new heart, saved him, and made him His child. Ben is learning to find answers in God's Word for life's questions.
DOB: Jul 30, 2004