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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

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Child Village: Tanzania
Child ID: CH023
Aurelia and her twin sister, Theresia, came to live at the Rafiki Village Tanzania in 2010 after the death of their mother from cancer. Aurelia is an excellent student. She is diligent in her school work, and she is also a diligent tennis player. Aurelia knows how to take instruction, listen carefully, and learn. She has the great qualities of a lifelong learner. Aurelia enjoys all she does and has a good work ethic and a good learning attitude. She is a role model for the other students in the Village. From the Rafiki Bible Study, Aurelia has learned that only Jesus can save. She says her faith in Jesus helps her do what is right and obey, love, and be kind to others. 
DOB: Oct 15, 2006