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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

My Name is



Child Village: Kenya
Child ID: CD055

Alice’s parents both died by 2005 and she was left in the care of her eighteen-year-old brother. Though he tried, he could not properly care for Alice and their three other siblings. Alice was placed in a babies’ home and arrived at the Rafiki Village Kenya the following year in 2006. She proved to be a teachable young girl with great enthusiasm for learning new things. She is a diligent student and especially enjoys literature. She also enjoys playing soccer and singing. Alice loves nature and hopes to become a tour guide so that she can show people the beauty of God’s creation. She expresses appreciation for the simplest things and sees everything as a gift. As Alice studies God’s Word, she is learning how God often uses those of low esteem in the world’s eyes to do powerful things. Alice prays that she will always follow God’s will, be consistent in prayer, and have courage to stand up for what is right.

DOB: Feb 7, 2004