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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

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Child Village: Uganda
Child ID: CB099
Aidah was referred to the Rafiki Foundation by the Katherine Hines Ministries, a local orphanage in Kampala. She was abandoned by her mother and father before living with her grandmother in a remote village. Her grandmother had been widowed twice, and she was caring for four of her grandchildren. Though she tried, she struggled to provide for Aidah's needs and asked the Rafiki Foundation for help. Aidah arrived at the Rafiki Village Uganda in 2009. Aidah's favorite subjects are English, math, and science. In her time at Rafiki, she has learned that God has made her for a purpose and that He is a God of order. Aidah seeks to show the marks of a true Christian by loving others with sisterly affection, avoiding evil, and holding fast to what is good.
DOB: Jan 13, 2005