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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Tanzania's Future STEM Professionals

Tanzania's Future STEM Professionals

The Rafiki teachers in Tanzania work diligently to teach their students through hands-on science lessons. As the students at the Rafiki Village Tanzania study science, they are taught to make connections between their Bible study and their academic work, experiencing how God created all things for His glory.

The students recently studied the Psalms and were encouraged to connect their understanding of the Scriptures to their science lessons. As they studied Psalm 111, the second and sixth graders participated in scientific explorations which allowed them to witness the “splendor and majesty” of God’s work. 

In April, the second-graders studied the skeletal system. To teach the children how bones, cartilage, and joints work in the body, their teacher took them to the Rafiki kitchen and showed them the anatomy of a chicken. Missionary Laurie Eastup says, “You would have been amazed by the vocabulary [the students] were using to describe the parts of the chicken. It sounded like they were anatomy students.”

The sixth graders also explored God’s creation while participating in a scientific collaboration with a school in Taiwan. Each school researched the four types of plants on their school grounds: trees, shrubs, flowers, and grasses. They then exchanged their findings to compare the plants native to their respective climates. Laurie Eastup noted that it was a pleasure to see the students studying “God’s intricate creation with awe and wonder.” Surely, the eternal truths of Psalm 111 was in their minds while studying the glorious work of God’s hands.