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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Giving Back to the Family

Giving Back to the Family

Missionaries Andrea and Scott Nelson recall the stillness of the Rafiki Village Ghana during the 2018 Christmas break. With a break from school work, fifty-seven Rafiki children enjoyed time visiting extended relatives away from the Village. The missionaries thank God that the Rafiki children strengthened their bonds with family members during vacation.

Andrea interviewed the children upon their return to the Village, listening to their stories, excitements, and areas of concern that needed to be addressed before their next visit with relatives. During the debriefing, Andrea also heard about one child’s act of faith: “One of the young boys shared that he noticed his relatives did not pray before meals. After thinking about it, he asked if he could teach them how to pray at meals, and they agreed!” Though the act may seem small, Andrea notes, “[T]he anecdote gives us a glimpse of the multiplying effect of the God-centered upbringing of the children.”

Such acts of faith display how the Rafiki children are nourished by their daily Bible study. As they learn solid Bible teaching, read, pray, and memorize Scripture, they become equipped to be ministers of the gospel. The Rafiki students will—by the grace and strength of the Lord—transform Africa for Christ.