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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
From Poverty to University: Grace's Transformation Story

From Poverty to University: Grace's Transformation Story

Grace’s mother and father both passed away when she was four years old. Grace went to live with her grandmother, but she had almost no means to provide for Grace. As no one else could care for her, social welfare recommended that she be placed in the care of Rafiki. Young Grace joined her new family at the Rafiki Village Malawi in 2007.

Grace quickly proved to be a bright child. She actively took part in her church, helping with an Easter pageant and reciting Bible stories for the congregation. She worked hard in school, gaining high scores in her classes and a place on the honor roll. Her pastor and teachers were impressed with her hard work, dedication, and understanding of God’s Word.

Grace always sought to be honest and respectful, ready and willing to obey and help others when she could. When not in school, she enjoyed playing sports such as netball, table tennis, and soccer. Grace loved leading her cottage devotions and worked hard to be a good role model for the younger girls. She aimed for excellence in all she did.

As Grace grew, she began to see how God might be directing her life. She had a heart for others, a desire to care for them and to share God’s Word with them. She continued to work hard in school, hoping to become a doctor one day. She grew in her faith and loved teaching the younger children about God. In 2021, Grace graduated as part of the first graduating class from the Rafiki School in Malawi.

Presently, Grace studies nursing and midwifery at a university in Malawi. She is learning the importance of time management and strives diligently to complete her work. Her faith remains strong, and she is grateful that God brought her to Rafiki so that she could study God’s Word daily and receive an excellent education throughout her life. Grace delights in her studies and seeks to bring glory to God as she focuses on His purpose for her life.